This fish came out of our local waters. I'm amazed. That is one healthy well proportioned colorful rainbow out of super skinny water. Chul's first fish of the day. DAMN!

Today I was fortunate to fish with some great guys, blog reader Chul and his fishing buddy Tuck. Its nice to have some fishing buddies again. All mine have moved on or are too consumed with domestic life to ever get out and play. Chul let me tag along in his fishing adventure and showed me some water that although I have long known about, I have always avoided.

Chul with one of his many "good" fish. Chul definitely pick out all the "hogs" out of this water.

Tuck and Chul look over a pool.

Man, there were ladybugs everywhere. Maybe its time to start tying ladybug flies.

Lunchtime. Leftover Taiwanese sticky rice.
After looking at some pics in Chul's I-phone, I'm shocked of the type of fish he pulls out of our local wild trout waters. I'm the first to admit that I have done a poor job of exploring these waters. Partially because I'm lazy and like to hit the same spots and the other is, to be honest, I've never really respected these waters as I do waters elsewhere. But I have a new found respect of them now. If Chul would have asked me where I thought those fish pictured were caught, I would have guessed somewhere in the Sierras. If he had told me they were local, I would have called him a liar. I guess I better start exploring, it will save me the multi hour drives up the 395.
Both guys outfished me for sure. Chul managed all the large (SoCal standards) fish the biggest was at least 14 inches possibly more. He said he lost one at least 16. I managed one of decent size thanks to Tuck giving me the hole. The others were mostly dinks. Tuck only managed "wiener-sized" (his words) fish all day but at least caught a lot of them.
I did manage to both ass plant and face plant myself so I'll be feeling that in the morning. On the face plant I narrowly escaped landing on my precious
NAC Micro FY49 fly rod. Had I, both Tuck and Chul would have seen me crying all the way home. I don't care about breaking my bones, I do, though, care about breaking a rod that is almost impossible to replace.